Best Practice #5: Restorative Extraction Cleaning
Restorative carpet extraction cleans deep down to the base of the carpet. This deep-cleaning process helps extract soils missed by vacuuming and interim cleaning methods. Two best practice methods are available to cleaning crews: the “In-The-Tank” method and the Pre-spray method.
With the “In-The-Tank” method, the custodian uses a cleaning solution, like Hillyard HD Extraction Cleaner diluted per the instructions on the bottle, directly in the carpet extractor’s solution tank. This method extracts the solution almost immediately. The “In-The-Tank” process produces good results. However, the Pre-Spray method is even better.
To perform the Pre-Spray method, the custodian sprays the carpet with Hillyard Carpet Pre-Spray solution. After allowing the Carpet Pre-Spray solution to dwell for five minutes, the custodian extracts the carpet with Extraction pH Rinse in the solution tank, diluted per the bottle’s instructions.
Finally, regardless of the method used, place Trident FD 15 Floor Dryers throughout the area. High-volume airflow is the key to quickly drying the carpet and preventing mold and mildew growth. Carpets must be dry within 24 hours of cleaning to avoid mold and mildew growth.